I have been thinking about adding a section to my blog for traveling about and eating at some of the really good places we have found along the way. We love to do road trips but occasionally we actually get on a plane. Note: Hawaii is hard to drive to. This past year has been what we call our "50th Year". This simply means that in November we will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary so we dedicated the year to getting out and traveling around and, of course, eating out. I wish I had thought of this idea sooner because we have seen and done some really neat things this year and we ate at some really good places. So, I am going to start collecting what I need and posting some of our finds for anyone else that is wanting to visit some of our favorite places and eat at some of what we consider favorite places. I do want to let you know that we live in the northern end of the state of California. We are located within just a few hours of some really amazing places. In fact, we live in a beautiful area near Mt. Shasta and I hope to put some of our local favorites on here too. As usual, I will also continue to share my favorite old and new recipes with you. I hope you enjoy this new twist to Grammy's Kitchen. When my hubby John and I are not in the kitchen we are probably gone or planning our next trip to somewhere.